The Freak.

My photo
Unpredictable, Childish, Active. I am not fierce but friendly! Love to share something about her life with her friends *yes, it's you!*. Another girl that named huiwen (: xoxo!

Saturday, December 27, 2008



Many things ARE made me sad.

  1. 我被人家甩了.(自己很cheap.ahahahah)
  2. 妈妈突然大发雷霆,骂到我们很够力.
  3. 我还爱他.
  4. 我姐姐每次都不在家,不陪我.
  5. 天气很热,我快顶不顺了.
  6. 紫莹进Camp,Joseph没有电话,yasotha很忙..找不到人陪我38.
  7. 我不能换电话.
  8. 昨天去1u没有买到什么东西,空手回来.
  9. Memories with him. h
  10. 因心情不好所以音响被我炸歌炸到烂了.wt
Somemore,some things made me happy.
  1. 在1u遇到佩雯和慧娴 =D
  2. 我傻了
  3. 我真的傻了


Anonymous said...

finally come again~xD
some i agree o~
jia you la~~

Huiwen said...

O.o haha.i back very long ago already=.=