Happy New Year!!!=D
Welcum you,2009!!XD
Posted by Huiwen at 11:56 PM 2 comments
Posted by Huiwen at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Many things ARE made me sad.
Posted by Huiwen at 3:32 PM 2 comments
Posted by Huiwen at 9:38 PM 2 comments
2day =D
i went The Ship.
not a ship,is a restaurant.XD
Soooo many people eat at there.
want to line up and wait the seat.
i love the food x).steak.
After dinner,of course is back to home lor.
Traffic jam=.=
many ppl wanted go to 1u.
1u there is very beautiful.
that's why i love go to 1u. =D
preparing for next year.
i am scare about PMR and UEC.
God,i can don't attend the sport class x)
next year i must sit with yasotha.xD
that is my right.
i can lie teacher that i wanted yasotha sit with me bcoz she can 照顾 me.xD
then we can talk a lots already.
Posted by Huiwen at 10:14 PM 0 comments
wth ==
All the person in that class...I duno
next year i sure die
Poor me
got 1 ppl same name with me huh.
beh song now..==
Posted by Huiwen at 10:15 PM 3 comments
I cant rotate the pic@@..duno why.sorry.
Posted by Huiwen at 8:07 PM 3 comments
Labels: Taiwan.
i stay at a rich person's house.
It's so Beautiful huh.
Look out of the window alone every evening and every morning.
the sky is beautiful =D
this moment is nobody's life.
my psp is disappeared.
the kids had stole it =.=
didnt know that where they put it.
Christmas is cuming ^^
my neighbour is having a christmas party.
christmas tree,many present etc.
who knows,maybe we will hang out and celebrate it.
just maybe huh.XD
Posted by Huiwen at 5:38 PM 0 comments
2day =D
haha,it's the best thing to do.
poor daddy,his money x(
i just noe how to waste the money.
(so,if u r my husband,all ur money will waste by me!!
better dunwan to marry.)
i saw a beautiful nike bag!!
i hope to get it huh ><.
but i got many bags already.
bought a nike bottle.
it's not very pretty.=(
i saw many many couples when shopping huh
jealous XD
i ate "big fish big meat"2night
a uncle paid the bill.
i am a poor people.
the meat was very FAT==
can saw the fat oil.
all the aunties,uncles take all the dish into my plate.
Walao eh..i ate that all till cry.
of course cry in my heart lar==
2morow is going to take train to taipei =D
so,i think i will not on9 again.
*i saw my back.
it's so horrible.
sading =(,i got a ugly back.*
Posted by Huiwen at 11:31 PM 0 comments
2day,i ate many bacon.XD
it's so delicious~
my mom go sailon,
so long just done her hair.==
i slept when noon,a pig.
very cold here huh.
finally i chased the aeroplanex)
it agreed me to take me back tis friday.
it is a good person huh.=D
Posted by Huiwen at 10:15 PM 0 comments
2day camp start =D
i darn want to take part of it but can't.
i want to dance with them=)
miss them lots lorrrrrrrrr
a wonderful camp
imagine it ...haha
well,taiwan is darn boring
every night very noisy,busy.
nth special
look at the televisyen
look out the window
thinking of some people
fuXing someone(i am rude right now bcoz of u)
lying on the bed
whenever I try to enter dream ville, there bound to be obstacles lying ahead.
miss the dancers
miss my house
miss my my my my my
upset =(
Posted by Huiwen at 11:23 AM 0 comments
(1) 被點到必填,不填代表你不尊重傳給你的人和問卷。
(2) 請老實回答每一個問題。
(3) 不行擅自塗改題目。
(4) 寫完請點10位,不可不點。
(5) 點完後請通知那10位小朋友他被點到了。
*第一大題 *
(1) 你的名字→ huiwen
(2) 生日呢→ Aug 31
(3) 星座呢→ virgo
(4) 你是男的還女的→ girl
(5) 現在很煩嗎→ YES
(1) 覺得朋友重要嗎→ of course important =D
(2) 有被朋友背叛過嗎→ yes
(3) 感覺是怎麼樣呢→ the day after tomorow
(4) 如果有一天朋友都離開你→ 检讨自己
(5) 為什麼跟朋友吵架→ 对他的行为不能忍
(6) 通常合好的原因→ 讲过过后
(7) 如果被很好的朋友背叛→ upset lar
(8) 如果那個背叛的人要求合好→ will b gud soon gua
(1) 友情和愛情哪個重要→friendship
(2) 目前有男/女朋友嗎→ got
(3) 你很愛她/他嗎→ i got right to don't ans tis
(4) 如果她/他要求分手→ i will b a freak n bb
(5) 如果她/他劈腿→ hurt lor..say goodbye to him =)
(6) 如果沒有男/女友,有喜歡的人嗎→ nah
(7) 覺得自己喜歡的人如何→ we'r not close so i don't noe
(8) 覺得自己會喜歡那個人很久嗎→ yes
(9) 如果有一天另一半突然離開→ why so many IF IF IF
(10) 分手的話會不會哭→ will
(1) 家庭成員有誰呢→ dadmomsisbromesis
(2) 最喜歡哪個家人→ all
(3) 最討厭哪個家人→ nobody
(4) 覺得自己的家好嗎→ excellent
(5) 為什麼呢→ coz excellent lor.
6) 親情對你來說很重要嗎→ ya
(7) 有兄弟姐妹的話吵架都為了什麼事呢→ some stupid things
(8) 後來是怎麼合好的→ nonit any reaction then b good already
(1) 點你的人是誰/他是你的誰→ yanyoong
(2) 覺得她/他是怎樣的人→ very good person =D
(3) 你們是怎麼認識的→ coz my friend
(4) 認識多久了呢→i duno
(5) 她/他跟你要好的程度→ hmm..something i told her.SECRET
(6) 她/他的優點→ very care her friends
(7) 她/他的缺點→ dunhav
(8) 喜歡她/他這個朋友嗎→ Of course =)
有過的打圈 不曾有過的打叉
(1)耳洞: X
(2)染髮: X
(3)抽菸: X (nah,if i smoke i not YAP HUI WEN)
(4)喝酒: X
(5)宠物: X
(6)牙套: X
(7)手机: O
(8)出国: O
(9)戀愛: O
(10)自殺: X
(11)自拍: O
(12)網咖: X
(13)刺青: X
(14)接吻: X
almost X.hahahah
(1)leave out my iron cloth
(2)fully recover
(3)chat with my friends
(5)PMR and UEC will get full A
(5)he and i will b good
(1) 心目中的對象是誰→ my father
(2)如果你的家人跟你的另一半同時跌入海,你會先救誰→ save the person who duno swimming 1st
(3) 直到現在有哪幾首歌,可以感動到你→ Bleeding love
(4) 如果你有多啦A夢,你想要它的什麼法寶→ healthy
(5) 看漫畫的人為何看漫畫?不看漫畫的人為何不看漫畫→it's a stupid question?
(6) 想改掉的毛病或習慣→ always say soli,always disturb ppl
(7) 人生對你而言最重要的事情是什麼→ all
(8) 哪部作品從開始愛上後到現在都還很喜歡→ secret
(9) 覺得目前為止作過最有意義的事情→ dunhav
(10) 哪一件事情讓你永生難忘→my good friends dont want me
(11) 如果還有來生,你要當男生女生→girl
(12)大頭貼/視訊/手機/數位相機,最愛用哪一個拍照→ camera
(13) 寫到這你累了嗎→ YES
(14) 學校合作社爛不爛→ Apa ini?
(15) 未來有什麼計畫→ tis is a big secret
(16) 最想去的國家→ germany
(17) 被邀請玩國王遊戲的感覺→ huh?
(18) 如果你是狗,你最想當哪一種狗→ i duno
(19) 友情和愛情,你會選擇哪邊→ both
(20) 目前有在追喜歡的人嗎→ jaychou lor
(21) 目前最煩惱的事→ my love
(22) 你喜歡裝色嗎→ huh??
(23) 你有懷疑過生髮水廣告的真實性嗎→not interest
(24) 想不想去神奇寶貝樂園→i can't play that things which in there
(25) 認識新朋友第一眼會看什麼地方→ 行为
(26) 最想去台灣什麼地方→ i just wanna go home..=(
(27) 你崇尚名牌嗎→ hmm..okok lar
(28) 有錢的話想包養誰→ my parent
(29) 如果會魔法你最想要改變什麼→ earth b peace
(30) 你願意花多少時間去等你所喜歡的人→ i duno
(31) 究竟是陪在身邊的人重要?還是心裡的人重要→stay with me d
(32) 假如你有一千萬,你最想拿來做什麼→ save the poor people
(33) 世界上最值得你留戀的是什麼→ memories
(34) 什麼樣的異性最吸引你→ pro person
(35) 第一次性經驗是幾歲→ huh??include?
(36) 現在開心嗎→ not
(37) 最多便秘幾天→ lols?
(38) 有什麼事是你覺得一輩子一定要去做的→ treat my family well
(39) 目前有沒有什麼事,是你不想做非要去做的→ wat means?
(40)如果有一天,火星人是我們的祖先,那你會去認親戚嗎→ lols?
(41) 有沒有想過哪一天自己是怎麼死的→upset til die
(42) 如過你告白失敗你會怎麼辦→ i dunoe
(43) 假使有一天被退學了,要怎麼面對父母→go live at hell
(44) 你最喜歡的事物是→duno
(48) 你喜歡瘦瘦高高還是嬌小可愛的女生→ both not
(49) 你覺得自己哪裏最性感→ dunhav think tis before
(50) 吃大便跟吃ㄆㄨㄣ你寧願吃哪一個→huh??
(51) 如果身邊的朋友或另一半有人偷吃,你會如何→ break up lor,if not will more hurt urself
(52) 喜歡被愛還是愛人→ 喜欢被爱 hahaha
(53) 你覺得偷偷的愛比較好還是光明的愛→ ilovelight
(54) 為蝦米會有點名遊戲→ duno
(55) 累了嗎→ yes
(56) 近期最開心的事情→no matter
(57) 你覺得女生倒追男生會不會很奇怪→ no
(58) SBL你支持哪一隊→ siami ini?
(59) 愛一個人,需要付出多少代價→ c urself
(60) 為什麼會愛上自己的情人→ feels
ARGH,tired to do tis ==
congrats to my sis =D
top ten leh!!
Posted by Huiwen at 10:41 AM 0 comments
**i saw FIR at taiwan airport.
same aeroplane XD.**
before operation rest 1 hour at the operation room.
lying in the bed,my mom cant get in the room.
just me.
suddenly i cried out loudly that time
dunoe why.
n the nurse shared me her tissue paper.
after that,
the operation light ON.
then i felt pengsan..
IT'S DARN PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant describe the PAIN that i got.
i cant get out of the bed.
it is very ardous.
i lost many bloods.
1st day,digestive system got problem.
2nd day,headarches==
3rd day,i can get out of my bed!!
oww yeah~
with the iron cloth=(.
i can't wear cloth myself.
i can't take bath.
i don't have mood to eat.
i can't get out of my bed myself.
i cant sleep.
i cant!!i cant!!!
i scare to jump.
i scare to run.
i scare when school open
i scare i cant dance again soon
i scare that people luss at me
look out the window.
Posted by Huiwen at 8:58 PM 0 comments
=)thx u all,especially joseph.
nonit pray so many times d==''aduh..
haha..anyway lar..thx joseph.><
zhiyien~ur credit ar..darn cham.xD
soli ar><......
ur care.><
crazy woman.
i am still want to wear the iron cloth 3 months=(.
i am very scare that the people will laugh me or luss at me..
i want go home now..
but dunhav aeroplane want to fetch me.lols.
can i dance?
not now =(
Posted by Huiwen at 6:00 PM 0 comments